To Dive: To fall or descend through the air. To plunge below the surface of the water, as a submarine. To enter deeply.
It was diving that I observed today. A competition judging precision of the take-off, air time and entry of several contestants from around the country. As much as I'd like to, it would be a lie for me to say that I took each diver into account. I suppose I should have studied each entry equally, but my attention was devoted to one participant in particular; Kailey Schalchter. In spite of the fact that she only began diving in September, the eleven year old showed exceptional promise. Form. Focus. Feeling. Precision. Power and Passion. These are what make up a champion.
From the instant she grabbed the railing of the ladder, my heart was won over by her winning smile of self confidence, radiating from her face, shining down on the judges. Pikes and twists and flips. In the pool, out of the pool. Score announced. Waiting in line for the chance to go again. Her one meter dives were spectacular, her three meter dives incredible. The strength of her upper body. The placement of her toes balancing on the edge of the board. Arms raised. Eyes closed. Inhale. Exhale. Focus. Even my breath was held. Time seemed to be frozen, until suddenly she sprang off the edge, tucking and turning, silently slipping into the water. The sound of applause filled the room.
I had to squeal with excitement when it was declared that the young diver placed 3rd in her category. I sat in the audience, laughing and smiling as she made her way to the podium to receive her very first medal. Third place, against kids who'd been competing for years. It's impossible not to admire her determination. At least, it's impossible for me.Whether we find her diving in the Olympics someday, or whether she dives solely for the fun of it, she has a talent and a spirit that we can't help falling in love with. She makes it look easy.
To the Diver
Kailey you are amazing! Hilarious, beautiful, talented, caring and absolutely, 100% devoted. I admire you, your determination, your personality. You inspire me, and I couldn't be more jubilant to call you my cousin! I'm proud of you Kailey!!!! <3
The Champion. |