I've been in a crafting mood lately, and for a change I decided to try my hand at some crocheting instead of knitting. After I exhausted the traditional granny square I was glad to pick up some interesting books from the library that contain beautiful patterns. I'll admit I was a little scared to start on something new because the last few times I tried to work on a project each ended in a tangled up failure, however I figured that it would be best to start with something cute and simple. My latest project, which I completed today, is a pair of baby mittens!
This was one of the main patterns that stood out to me as I was flipping through the pages of my third borrowed book and I surprised myself when I learned how easy they were to make. Between single and double crochet stitches I whipped up these precious hand warmers in a little over an hour and then tied a violet ribbon around the ends to complete the sweet accessories.
The nice thing about these is that they are fast to finish and still look special, plus there's next to no counting involved and you can make them for a boy or a girl by simply switching the colours. However, to be honest what really makes the entire mitten is the ribbon around the end. It draws attention with a contrasting colour and causes you to focus on the detail of the pattern, leaving you to ooo and aww over how cute the two of them are.
Although I have no idea who's baby these will be for, they were a fun project that will leave somebody's little fingers toasty!
~Special thanks to Nicki Trench for the pattern~