It's another day that I'm sitting directly in front of my computer, staring emptily at a blank post page writing...or at least trying to. For the past week I've been in this situation, a new post started every day, Lord willing I'll finish and publish one of them! I'm a terrible liar, so I'll confess that I have eight, if not more, posts in my drafts box that are waiting for their moment to shine. Whether that time will ever come I have no idea, hopefully it will, but before it does I need to battle this writer's block that's got me at a red light in my creative intersection.
I came to the conclusion that of the two ways I know how to defeat writer's block, it would be best to take action on one of them. Either A.) Take a break and come back to the post in a week. Or B.) Write something entirely new and simple. My obvious decision, since me and writing are inseparable, was B. I then found myself on the question of "What is the simplest thing to write?" The answer I was searching for was simple as I found it in everything around me.
Please bear with me as I take a stab at writer's block and attempt to list all of the things I'm thankful for. As it is an endless list, I've tried to make it a relatively normal length for everyone's sake.

1.) Number one on my list is an obvious one, but the amount of thankfulness I have towards and for it can never be stretched enough. I am thankful for my family who, through everything that I say and do will never stop loving and supporting me. All of you make me laugh and smile on a daily basis and can always somehow perk me up when I'm feeling sad. There is never an end to the fun we have, and you also pay for things which saves me money, so I'm thankful for that too!
2.) Secondly I'm thankful for my friends, of which there are quite a few. I can't honestly say how happy I am to have you in my life. From making me laugh, to eating lunch with me at school, and encouraging me that my scissor splits aren't really as bad as I think they are. Even just making my overall miserable day lighter and worth waking up to. Thank you!
3.) I'm sure some people thought I might never say this one, but it's true. I'm thankful for my school in which every day is exciting and incredible. So much so, that I look forward to Mondays so that I can be back with all of the amazing people, learning something new. For teachers who inspire and encourage me, the people that are never elitist, and the SLD that is always there, I can't ever be thankful enough. I'm always learning, always laughing, always growing and always improving someway or another.
4.) I'm thankful for my dance school. The two of you teachers are incredible and inspirational to me. You make me want to pursue dance every time I find it difficult, help me every time I ask and always are willing to eat my cookies...even though there's a chance they might taste terrible.You stuff each class full of both an intense workout and smiles so that we're not afraid to try and risk falling on our faces...because it has happened. ;)
5.) For number five and my last one, I'd like to thank God. When I look at everything that precedes this, I realize that there is no way, no how that any of this could have even been possible without you behind me to keep pushing me forward when I feel like I'm ready to quit. Out of difficult situations you have shown me solutions. Out of first time meetings you have created beautiful friendships. Out of a love for movement you have given me the freedom to express myself and so much more! You have backed me up and given me everything I need and more to survive. Without you, none of this would have been existent, so I believe that the least I can do is acknowledge that. Thank you. For everything you've done and will do, there is no end to my gratefulness.