In October I found out that I won the Fresh Ink 2013 contest!
It's only taken me three months to blog about it…and I have no excuse.
As I said before, I'm slightly disgusted…and that is to say the least.
I was announced the first place winner and awarded $100 in prize money, as well as published in the St. Catharines Library magazine. The magazine was by far the best part of the prize, as it meant that I was officially a published author. My life is a little bit closer to being complete.
I had the pleasure of reading my story at the awards ceremony, as well as meeting some of the chair members of the library.
As small as the contest was, it was really extraordinary for me to be able to share my writing with other people and to hear the praise and compliments I received over a single chapter.
For those of you that haven't read the story, you can do so here, or by clicking the tab "Fresh Ink 2013" at the top of the page.
I hope you enjoy the chapter, and once again, I apologize for my lack of commitment to my blog. I wish I had shared this with you earlier, but I guess old news is better than no news at all!