Sunday, June 24, 2012

Proud Parents

Kiwi the Kitten
     They say dogs are man's best friend. But what about the rest of the animal kingdom? It's clear to see that since the beginning, man has had the company of other animals, just Google "Pet Bonds" and see for yourself. Rows among rows of pictures will be displayed of human and animal love. The best of this love is found in first time pet owners. They're the ones that take giant leaps to meet every need of their new friend, while the rest of us, who are familiar to animals, see them as spoiling. Yes, maybe a lot of the "extras" aren't necessities, but the love that is the motive is truly sweet.

     Two siblings, a brother and sister had asked me to come to visit them and their brand new pets. She had gotten a kitten, he a rabbit. It was with ecstasy that I went to visit them and what I found was this "new" love. When the kitten was placed in my arms I, being a previous owner of a few cats, tried to cuddle her. But it was clear that the cat wanted nothing to do with me...I was strange. I had a bit more success with the rabbit, but not much. "Ralph," the owner said to him. "Be nice." The dwarf lop's powerful legs scratched at my arms until eventually I was forced to put him back on the ground, where he was happy to eat grass from his harness.

     Oh well. I thought. But what was really nice to see was the owner's interaction with the animals. "We've trained her," The cat's owner said. "She licks your nose when she wants down." Among other things, I discovered the cat was also being potty trained when I went to use the bathroom and found a red ring filled with cat litter on the top of the toilet seat. We had fun watching the animals natural instincts as well. The owner would let the cat off her harness and, from a close distance, throw her towards the base of the tree. We'd watch the cat's claws grip the bark and climb to the highest branches. Of course, the fun part was having to climb up the tree and bring her down. "Firefighter." I called it. As for the rabbit's enthralling instincts, I enjoyed watching his nose twitch as he picked the clovers out from the grass.

     After the fun, the owners took turns snuggling their pets. When the girl picked up her kitten, the cat seemed to melt in her arms. Purring, licking the tip of her nose and meowing sweetly. The rabbit squirmed constantly in my eyes, but when cuddled by his owner he was happy to sit on his lap and be mauled. The cuteness of it all was unbearable. 

     Other than the fact that animals don't take care of themselves, I think we can all agree that they make great companions. I know that after that short visit, I left with a joy bubbling up inside of me both for the proud parents-who are in for the rides of their lives-and for the animals who are sure to have a happy life.   

Ralph enjoying a belly rub.