A short, simple story that I pray you finish reading with a smile.J
For the past few days, we've had a high, very narrow cardboard box filled with paper sitting by our printer so that we have material to print off of at whim. It's not a very large box, 8.5x11" and not good for anything except for holding the paper that barely fits inside of it.
Now, it may be known or unknown to you that I am the not-so-proud partial owner of a rather big boned cat that goes by the name of Simone...or if you're mean like me, Fatty and occasionally Cow Face. Simone's weight issues are no secret, in fact, they've been around for the past seven years of her life after she outgrew kitten-hood and they're one of the first things you'll notice after you step through our front door. Often, the first remark visitors make-whether returning or not-is "Is that a cat?"
When she runs down the stairs to get fed in the morning, she's fast until she tries to stop and her back end catches up with everything and causes her to roll over herself until she hits the wall. When she runs around a corner she's like an elegant tiger until her gut catches on the sharp turn and weighs her down so that she tumbles down the hill. She's ear trained, to the sound of a tuna can opening and the scoop of breakfast clinking into her metal dish. She doesn't sleep in her bed, or on the couch or blanket, in fact she normally will find the most unthinkable, uncomfortable spot to sleep for the afternoon like a piece of wood, a plastic lid, in the middle of a puzzle or on top of my pile of hundreds of pages I'm organizing from my binder.
I came home from dance just the other night to the news of her finding a new sleeping spot and when I went to inspect it I found a surprise, although I should have expected as much. Out like a light, Simone was sleeping in the half full, tiny, cardboard, paper box by the printer. Her rolls bulging over the sides and her paws barely able to fit in with everything else. Now, that's officially her new favourite spot and if you're looking for her, she'll probably be. I don't know how she thought she could fit in there...maybe she jumped in and couldn't force her body to cooperate in getting out so she decided to make the best of it!
Whatever was going through her mind, I have a high respect for her determination...and like I always say, "E for effort!" Here's to one crazy box cat!