Monday, January 16, 2012

Poutine...A Hot and Cheesy Point.

Poutine. Crispy french fries, loaded with gravy and smothered with melted cheese curds.
Poutine. A divine chemistry only discovered in the combination of these delicious ingredients. 
Poutine: The one creation you can indulge in at any hour.
Poutine. A dish so delectable it's devilish. 
Poutine. The god of all comfort foods.
Poutine. Possibly the best food sensation to ever come out of Canada. As you load your fork with gravy soaked french fries and aim for your mouth, the melted cheese creates a thin string as if to say "Don't forget me!" In the milliseconds leading up to the mouthful, your tongue can already taste the salt and your nose inhales a whiff of the beautiful smell. When you finally touch your lips to the gooey goodness your senses feel that they are at Heaven's gates and once you swallow your mouth screams one thing...MORE!
Poutine...Could there be a more decadent creation? Send me your best recipes, locations and suggestions

Poutine made by Harveys.

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