I love fall. There's something about the way that the breeze breezes that summons me. It's not like a summer breeze, which is still warm, but Autumn breezes are cool and almost chilling and they always put me in the mood. The mood for sweaters and jeans and pumpkin spice lattes. For apple picking and cinnamon sticks and leaves and being outside. It puts me in the mood to write, which is good, because hopefully I'll be posting more.
It was a couple weeks ago sometime when I woke up, and felt the air coming through our window. When I went downstairs the first thing I said was "Mom, it feels like Fall!" As if by instinct I dressed warmly, socks and a sweater, but unfortunately for me, it was still August and twenty-seven degrees outside. Thankfully, wonderfully, now it's September and the cool days have given me the liberty of dress.
On Friday, Mom and Emmah picked me up from school and the first thing they asked after I climbed in the car was, "Do you want a pumpkin spice latte?" Those are my favourite! So, to Starbucks we went and I indulged myself in the nutmeg-sprinkled whipped cream and half pumped coffee. Fall also puts me in the mood for reading, and if you didn't know this already, I'll tell you. I am the person that you keep away from the book store. No matter the season, I will go into the library or Chapters and fall in love with the place. Just the smell of paper does something to me. Paperbacks are like Sirens in the ancient Greek Myths for me; they distract, tempt and pull me in and during this time of year, it's ten times worse!
I go into the bookstore telling myself, "Laurel, you don't need anymore books. The chance that you'll read them is slim..." Still, there are few places I love going to other than the book store.
I look forward to watching the leaves change on our view of the Niagara escapement. It'll be absolutely beautiful. Even now, the more I write, the more I can't wait for Autumn to really set in.
Although I can't say that this is my favourite time of year, it is a season that has been well awaited and I intend on living it to the fullest!
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