Heineken...a Pearl I'll Always Treasure
I have recently realized that in my almost two years of blogging I have never written an entry about my little lager...Heineken the gerbil.

Three years ago I brought home my first fury little pet. A tan and cream, 2 month old gerbil not much bigger than my index finger. I had researched gerbils for years with the hope of someday getting one, but I never imagined that Heineken would be anywhere near as much fun as he has been.
The epitome of cuteness and the most snuggly rodent I've ever known, he has always loved being held and stroked until he falls asleep close to my chest, as well as cuddling with a sock like a baby with a blanket while I watch tv. Because of how tame he has always been, people have often called me "The Gerbil Whisperer" but I think the majority of credit should go to Heineken and his unique characteristics.
As cute and calm as he is, he's also a bundle of energy! When he was little, I trained him to jump out of large containers and run through mazes set up with books, although till this day he has never quite figured out how to run in a ball. His bravery when it comes to heights however, makes up for his lack of running. Since he was little, he has had the courage to jump from heights that should typically be unfathomable for such a small rodent. Recently he tackled six feet by jumping out of my friend's hands...still without getting hurt. I'd say he's quite the daredevil.
Alongside being a package of fun, he is also the second pickiest gerbil in existence-other than his brother Remie. Changing his favourite seeds almost every week and only eating almonds with the tops already bitten off, I used to joke that he would only eat
vegetables that were crinkle cut 3/4" thick. Who knew a gerbil could be so picky?

Heineken is definitely the tamest, cuddliest, cutest, most amazing gerbil to ever live. From falling asleep in my lap, to challenging the cat, wrestling with his brother and playing hide and seek with me, he is truly an incredible animal. I'm proud to say that for the past three years he has been my companion, friend and snuggle buddy and I look forward to many more days with him and praise the Lord for him every day.
Time with him is something I'll always treasure.
I love this! keep writing!