To hold someone forever, or to learn to let them go?
To share our hearts with others, or to hide them all alone?
Is it infatuation; an extremity of like?
Is it rare and genuine, hidden by a black disguise?
Can you feel it for many, or is love limited to one?
Is it between just men and women, or meant for everyone?
To love someone through dire straits, and base relationship on truth.
How can you love people in the 'right' and 'proper' way?
And how do you let them know? What's appropriate to say?
No one wants to be pushy, yet we all want to be heard.
We don't want to lose friendships, or end up being hurt.
Love is so condescending, it gives and then soon it takes.
It patronizingly tempts, and slowly steals our hearts away.
So at end your efforts result in once more hurting you?
Is love way too serious, moulded to something it's not?
We're blind from misconceptions, and so love seems corrupt.
Is there an answer to this puzzle, or is love Pandora's Box?
A treasure to admire, and to never be unlocked.
To truly be yourself, and see if things correlate.
Perhaps the secret to all love, is to simply learn to wait
Because once it's discovered, we don't need to actuate.

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